Saturday, July 29, 2006

Sketch #2.5 : Going Digital

I'm not going to count this as a real sketch (thus the 2.5) as it's a digital image. I've been trying to create a digital style of my own because I spend more time at the computer with my stylus than I do with pencil and paper. I figure drawing digitally is the next logical step. The real problem is I don't like drawing in Photoshop and I don't like the inking in Illustrator. So I've been inking in Photoshop and I've finally settled on a style I like. I'll be digitally inking the next Tiegre story over Robert Herzig's art a sample appears below.

Back to my sketch... it began as my Ungoodwise character (Rasta) and ultimately evolved into a afroman when I couldn't get the dreads to look right. Oh well... here it is followed by the Tiegre page.

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